When the first warm days arrives the barbecue time comes : here are the proposals that you can find and order at our Bottega del Suino D'Oro in Castell'Arquato
Classic skewers (normal 180 g Or thick stick 200 g) Royal stick (more spiced with onion) of 300 g
Salamelle (sausages) verzini 100 g or normal 200 g
Loose sausage / luganega
Mini pork burger 100 g or maxi 250 g (sausage, culatello, speck, pizzaiola: with tometo sauce, special)
Ribs: Fresh or seasoned (classic with rosemary, paprika, barbeque)
Chops: Fresh or seasoned (classic with rosemary, lemon, sweet paprika, pink pepper, spicy, barbeque, boscaiola, Sicilian, pizzaiola, curry, mohito)
Coppa’s chops with fresh or seasoned bone (classic with rosemary, sweet paprika)
Fresh bacon (pink without rind)
Trimming fresh or seasoned ham (classic with rosemary)
Opening hours of the Bottega del Suino D'Oro:
every day in the morning from 08:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 19:00
Saturday morning from 08:00 to 12:00 - Sunday morning from 08:30 to 12:00
Via Caneto - 29014 Castell’Arquato (PC) - www.salumificiolarocca.com
info@salumificiolarocca.com - tel: 0039 0523 805139